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/*_ emm.h Thu Dec 6 1990 */
/* Expanded (LIM EMS) Memory Interface */
/* References:
* Lotus/Intel/Microsoft
* Expanded Memory Specification
* Version 4.0
* Available from Intel at 800-538-3373
#ifndef __EMM_H
#define __EMM_H 1
#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define EMM_PAGESIZE 0x4000 /* 16K page size */
extern int __cdecl emm_inited; /* != 0 if emm handler is initialized */
* Initialize EMM handler.
* Returns:
* 0 EMS installed and operating
* !=0 No EMS detected, or it isn't functioning properly
int __cdecl emm_init(void);
* Get number of unallocated pages.
* Use this function to determine how many pages available before
* you attempt to allocate them with emm_allocpages().
unsigned __cdecl emm_getunalloc(void);
* Get total number of pages in EMM system.
unsigned __cdecl emm_gettotal(void);
* Allocate pages.
* It is a fatal error if there are no emm handles available.
* Input:
* n number of pages to allocate, 0 < n <= emm_getunalloc()
* Returns:
* handle that refers to these pages
int __cdecl emm_allocpages(unsigned);
* Map page from logical page to physical page.
void __cdecl emm_maphandle(int handle,unsigned logical,unsigned physical);
* Save the state of the page mapping registers associated with
* the handle. The state is restored by emm_restorepagemap().
* You cannot nest emm_savepagemap()/emm_restorepagemap() calls for
* a single handle.
* There is a limited number of handles that can be saved with this
* function, fixed by the particular EMM handler. The application should
* strive to never require more than 1. This function will abort the
* program if there is no more handle space.
void __cdecl emm_savepagemap(int handle);
void __cdecl emm_restorepagemap(int handle);
* Get physical page address of EMM frame page.
* Input:
* pagenum EMM page number (0..3)
* Returns:
* pointer to base of that page
* NULL if error
void far * __cdecl emm_physpage(int);
* Terminate use of EMM handler.
void __cdecl emm_term(void);
* Get all handles pages.
* Input:
* *p points to array to be filled in. The number of entries
* needed is returned by emm_gethandlecount();
* Output:
* *p data filled in
* Returns:
* 0 success
* !=0 error code
#pragma pack(__DEFALIGN)
struct emm_handle_s
{ int handle; /* active handle */
int pages; /* number of pages alloc'd to that handle */
#pragma pack()
int __cdecl emm_gethandlespages(struct emm_handle_s *p);
* Get number of active emm handles.
* Returns:
* number of active handles
int __cdecl emm_gethandlecount(void);
* Deallocate pages allocated for a handle by emm_allocpages().
* The program needs to deallocate its handles before exiting the program,
* else the pages will remain allocated and unavailable for use
* by other programs.
void __cdecl emm_deallocpages(int handle);
* Return version number of EMM.
* Returns 0 if not initialized.
* The number is in the form of 2 hex digits, the most significant
* being the major version and the least the minor.
* For example, 0x32 means version 3.2.
int __cdecl emm_getversion(void);
* The following four functions allow a program to save and restore
* the state of the EMM mapping registers. These are used in place
* of emm_savepagemap() and emm_restorepagemap() when you don't
* want to use a handle.
* Get and return size in bytes of buffer needed by the functions
* emm_getpagemap(), emm_setpagemap() and emm_getsetpagemap().
unsigned __cdecl emm_getpagemapsize(void);
* Write state of mapping registers into *dst.
void __cdecl emm_getpagemap(void *dst);
* Set state of mapping registers from values previously saved by
* emm_getpagemap() into *src.
void __cdecl emm_setpagemap(void *src);
* Equivalent to:
* emm_getpagemap(dst);
* emm_setpagemap(src);
void __cdecl emm_getsetpagemap(void *dst,void *src);
#if __cplusplus
#endif /* __EMM_H */